BBC One – Money For Nothing
I am thrilled to announce that I have recently joined the ‘Money For Nothing’ team at BBC One. A couple of weeks ago we had lights, camera and action at the Needle Rock workshop – to say we were excited is an understatement!
It was my first-time filming for National TV, except for a snippet on S4C years ago when Needle Rock was in its infancy. Alan, the BBC One cameraman, commented that I was a natural in front of the camera. Gordon (my hubby) made an entrance too, as he always helps me with any woodworking repairs in his spare time.

These are the chairs that were destined for the skip. There is quite a story to tell… but I’ll leave this to be revealed on the TV. Thankfully for these loyal and once beautiful chairs, Jacqui (BBC One) rescued them from their landfill fate.

Whilst the filming was taking place, Jason and Rosie were hiding in the office preparing some social media posts. When the tracks were done, Rosie snuck out and took this quick photo.
Dating from the 1940’s or 1950’s, the chairs are still covered in their original fabric, and the underside of the fabric showed some of the original colours. These are my first commission for the popular daytime show, and I was so excited when they arrived at the Needle Rock workshop.
The filming for this episode of the programme begins with Jacqui and I discussing the rescuing of them, their history, along with their potential brand-new look. My signature style as an upholsterer is bold, beautiful and unrestrained, where I mix different colours, styles and textures which shouldn’t work, but do indeed work, creating a fresh and unique vibe.

Here’s a sneaky peak of the fabric that I’m going to use to make these old chairs the stars of the show. Exactly how I’m going to use this fabric on the curves of the chairs is not decided yet – I often find that as I start the upholstery process, the whole process evolves and brings a momentum of it’s own.
As a busy and functional workshop, we had a big tidy up in the workshop before the ‘Money For Nothing’ film crew arrived. Over the years we’ve sold several unique refurbished pieces of upholstered furniture that brought us to the BBC’s attention in the first place. Some of our latest pieces are shown in the backdrop for the show, which will be aired early next year. Perhaps you’d like to own one of these statement pieces…
I’ve resisted the cheeky urge to add the ‘as seen on TV’ uplift and I’m open to offers on ALL (yes you’ve read that correctly) of the stock in the Needle Rock online shop.
It’s been quite a year for Needle Rock so far, from winning the FSB Microbusiness of the Year award in Cardiff in March, and now joining the team at BBC One, I’ve got lots of enthusiasm and ideas sparking for many more pieces. So, we need the space, and I’d love for you to share in the success of Needle Rock too.
E-mail me at with details of your offer, or call me on 07534 216297. Viewings can be arranged if you’d like to see, and sit, in person before you buy.
In the meantime, I’m busily working on the transformation of the two ‘Money For Nothing’ tub chairs using the bold and brave Amazon fabric (shown above) from the Emma J Shipley collection. As in line with the theme of the show, these chairs will be available for sale once their new identity is unveiled. To register your interest please contact us (internal link at Quote page) at Needle Rock.
Don’t worry about missing it, as I’ll shout loudly and proudly when I know when this episode is being aired.
Until the next time from me and the team at Needle Rock,
Love Ali xx

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