In-House Woodwork Repairs at Needle Rock
As we have said many times before at Needle Rock, we never know what’s coming in through the workshop door next. At Needle Rock, one of our unique selling points is we can carry out quite major frame repairs in-house. Over the last 12 months or so, the number of jobs requiring woodwork repair has increased dramatically; perhaps because people are aware this is something we offer.
As lockdown restrictions eased in Wales, Ali and Gordon took a much needed day out to visit Powys Castle woodyard, as the Needle Rock wood supplies had become critically low, and their wood supplier had retired.
Hardwood is needed to carry out frame repairs as softwood is exactly that, too soft! We are fortunate that Gordon, Ali’s husband, is a dab hand at joinery. Since the business moved to it’s new premises at The Barn, the old workshop is now transformed into a frame repair workshop. From bandsaws to woodworking lathes, thickness planers and industrial sanders the small workspace is earning it’s spot once again.

What happens when broken furniture comes through the workshop door
So when broken furniture arrives at the Needle Rock workshop, the first thing to do is remove the existing upholstery so that in Gordon’s words, the cat can see the mouse! As the Needle Rock business has grown, so too has Gordon’s ability to find novel ways to fix even the most damaged pieces. Gordon loves a challenge and he never fails to delight us!

In a recent video, Ali reported on the repair of a three-legged tartan Victorian slipper-back chair. This repair was particularly difficult, not so much for the making of a new leg, but because the frame was constrained from opening by the webbing. Considerable tension had to be overcome using spreaders so the new leg could be dowelled in. But, where there’s a will there’s a way! (We won’t mention some of the naughty words used in the repair of this one)!
However this job paled into insignificance compared with the offering of the next job by the same customer. This 19th Century farmhouse chair arrived in pieces. It had become badly wormed and one of the front legs had broken out of it’s socket and smashed one of the spindles. the chair has been substantially rebuilt, with the worst part of the seat being replaced in oak and new components being turned on the lathe.
Repairing a chair of this type leaves no room for error, all of the joints are compound angles, and there is no upholstery to hide the repair -every thing is visible and has to look the part.